Strengthening Solidarity and Cooperation to Build a Better Future Together——王毅国务委员兼外长在“重建后疫情世界”全球智库大会上的视频致辞Remarks by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi At the Global Town Hall on "Rebuilding from the COVID-19 World"Beijing, 20 November 2020Your Excellency Chairman Dino Patti Djalal,Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends,很高兴受邀参加今天的全球智库大会,与大家共同探讨“重建后疫情世界”这个重大课题。I am pleased to be invited to the Global Town Hall today and join you in this important discussion on "Rebuilding from the COVID-19 World".The outgoing year of 2020 will make its mark in human history.The sudden onslaught of COVID-19 shocked the world in every possible way.在不到一年时间里,全球人员交流几乎中断,贸易往来大幅萎缩,经济增长严重衰退,部分国家政治和社会动荡加剧。In less than a year, international travel has virtually come to a halt. Trade has notably contracted. Global economy is mired in a deep recession. And political and social turbulence has exacerbated in some countries.疫情的冲击和百年变局相互叠加,国际形势发展到了一个新的分水岭。The impact of COVID-19, compounded with major changes unseen in a century, has brought the international situation to a new watershed.人类就是在一次次战胜困难与危机的过程中不断成长、发展起来的。Yet it is by overcoming tribulations and crises one after another that humanity emerges stronger and makes greater progress.正如习近平主席在今年联合国大会上指出,人类在重大灾难面前展现出来的勇气、决心、关爱照亮了至暗时刻,疫情终将被人类战胜,胜利必将属于世界人民。As President Xi Jinping stated at this year's UN General Assembly, the courage, resolve and compassion demonstrated by humanity in the face of this major disaster has lit the dark hour. The virus will be defeated, and humanity will win.面对仍在肆虐的疫情,展望后疫情时代的世界,各国需要从灾难中汲取经验教训,在与灾难的斗争中凝聚共识力量,携手为人类社会开创更美好的明天。To contain the raging virus and plan for the post-COVID world, countries need to draw experience and lessons from the disaster, build consensus and strength through collective response, and work together to usher in a better future for humanity.我们认为,各国应当进一步加强团结合作,争取早日彻底战胜疫情。We believe that countries need to fight for an early victory against COVID-19 through enhanced solidarity and cooperation.当前,新冠肺炎疫情还在传播蔓延,甚至在一些国家发生了比今年上半年更为猛烈的反弹。The coronavirus is still wreaking havoc worldwide. Some countries are seeing an even more ferocious resurgence than the earlier outbreaks.No one can stay immune from the crisis, and we are all in this together.作为世界上*先控制住疫情的国家之一,中国愿意继续发挥自身优势,不断推进疫情防控国际合作,同各国分享防控和救治经验;继续向有需要的国家和地区提供支持帮助,落实好将疫苗作为全球公共产品的郑重承诺;继续与包括世界卫生组织在内的各方通力合作,积极构建人类卫生健康共同体。As one of the first countries to effectively contain the coronavirus, China will continue to leverage its strengths to advance international cooperation on epidemic response, and share its experience on containment and treatment with other countries. We will continue to provide support and assistance to countries and regions in need, and deliver our solemn commitment of making COVID-19 vaccines a global public good. We will continue to fully engage with the World Health Organization and other parties, and actively pursue a global community of health for all.我们认为,各国应当进一步加强多边协调,不断完善全球治理体系。We believe that countries need to improve the global governance system through strengthened multilateral coordination.世纪疫情再次告诉我们,以邻为壑、零和博弈解决不了本国问题,也处理不了国际挑战。This once-in-a-century pandemic once again tells us that no country can solve its own problems through a beggar-thy-neighbor policy or zero-sum approach. And such practices offer no solution to global challenges either.多边治理虽不完善,但仍然是我们应对全球挑战的基本架构;多边主义虽屡遭挑战,但仍然是各国安身立命的基本保障。Multilateral governance may not be perfect, but it provides the basic framework for tackling global challenges. Multilateralism may have been challenged, but it remains the basic guarantee for countries to survive and thrive.作为负责任大国,中国将继续积极倡导和践行多边主义,坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系,坚定捍卫以联合国宪章为基石的国际关系基本准则。As a responsible major country, China will continue to advocate and practice multilateralism, firmly uphold the UN-centered international system, and firmly defend the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the UN Charter.同时,我们愿继续秉持共商共建共享原则,与各国一道共同对全球治理体系进行必要改革完善,使之更好地兼顾公平与效率,更快速有效地应对全球挑战,更多反映新兴市场国家和发展中国家的正当合法诉求,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公平合理、普惠包容的方向发展。Meanwhile, under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, we will continue to work with all countries to promote necessary reform and improvement of the global governance system, so that it can balance equity and efficiency more properly, respond to global challenges more quickly and effectively, and better reflect the justified and legitimate demands of emerging markets and developing countries. All this will make the global governance system more equitable, reasonable, inclusive and beneficial for all.我们认为,各国要进一步加强开放融通,协力推动世界经济复苏发展。We believe that countries need to promote global economic recovery through greater openness and integration.事实证明,疫情无法阻断经济全球化和区域一体化的时代潮流。What has happened shows that COVID-19 cannot and will not stop the prevailing trend toward economic globalization or regional integration.“脱钩”“筑墙”只会作茧自缚,重回孤立主义、保护主义早已不合时宜。Seeking "decoupling" or "erecting walls" is self-destructive in the long run. Retreating to isolationism and protectionism is anachronistic.几天前,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定正式签署,建成了世界上*大的自由贸易区,成员国用行动发出了开放合作的明确信号。The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), formally signed a few days ago, marked the establishment of the world's largest free trade area. With concrete actions, participating countries have sent a clear message of their shared commitment to openness and cooperation.作为世界主要经济体之一,中国将在疫情防控常态化背景下,继续同各国建设好人员往来“快捷通道”、货物运输“绿色通道”,维护全球供应链稳定;将继续坚定奉行互利共赢开放战略,打造更高水平的开放型经济新体制,加强与各国在各种双多边机制下的互利合作,推进高质量共建“一带一路”,为世界经济早日实现复苏增长作出应有贡献。As a major economy in the world, while keeping COVID-19 response measures in place, China will continue to work with other countries to improve "fast tracks" and "green lanes" for the movement of people and goods, and keep the global supply chain stable. China will stay committed to the win-win strategy of opening-up, and build a new and open economic system of higher standard. It will strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries bilaterally and under multilateral mechanisms, advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and contribute its share to the early recovery of the global economy.我们认为,各国应当进一步加强对话互信,共同维护地区和平发展。We believe that countries need to safeguard peace and development in their regions through enhanced dialogue and mutual trust.东亚是我们的共同家园,也是世界上*具活力和发展潜力的地区,和平稳定的局面来之不易,任何在地区制造分裂对抗、搞地缘政治小圈子的企图都将引起巨大安全风险。East Asia, our shared home, is the most vibrant region in the world with the biggest development potential. The hard-won peace and stability of East Asia should not be taken for granted. Attempts to create division and confrontation and to form exclusive geopolitical blocs in the region would give rise to great security risks.作为东亚负责任一员,中国将秉持亲诚惠容的周边外交理念,继续倡导相互尊重的合作精神,倡导开放包容的合作原则,倡导发展优先的合作理念,坚定支持东盟的中心地位,坚持通过对话协商与有关当事国妥处分歧,与东盟各国共同维护地区和平稳定,与国际社会携手建设持久和平、繁荣稳定、公平公正的后疫情世界。As a responsible country in East Asia, China will remain guided by its neighborhood policy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. In promoting cooperation, China will continue to advocate the spirit of mutual respect, the principle of openness and inclusiveness, and a development-centered approach. It will firmly support ASEAN centrality, and stay committed to properly handling disputes with countries concerned through dialogue and consultation. It stands ready to work with ASEAN countries to safeguard regional peace and stability, and work with the whole international community to build a post-COVID world that enjoys lasting peace, prosperity, stability, and fairness and justice.寒冬之后必是春天,黑夜过后黎明终将到来,我们相信,只要各国真正携起手来,勠力同心,并肩前行,经历疫情挑战的世界就一定会更加繁荣昌盛,人类社会的明天也一定会更加光明美好!Winter is always followed by Spring, and dark night will be brightened up by the light of dawn. We are confident that if all countries truly come together and forge ahead side by side, our world will emerge from the pandemic more prosperous, and that humanity will embrace a better future.In conclusion, I wish the Global Town Hall a full success!